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83 products

Showing 37 - 72 of 83 products
Filling Machine 5ml - 50ml Stainless Steel
Flip-off cap 20mm. Variety of colours
Sale priceFrom $15.00
Flip-off cap 20mm. Variety of colours
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GL45 Polypropylene Re-Fill Screw Cap
GL45 Polypropylene Screw Cap with Internal Molded Seal Ring for Reagent Bottles
Sale priceFrom $10.00
GL45 Polypropylene Screw Cap with Internal Molded Seal Ring for Reagent Bottles
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Sale priceFrom $11.50
Graduated Glass Measuring Cylinders
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Laboratory Magnetic Stirrer and Hotplate 2L
Laboratory Stand and Clips set 600mm
Oil-free Diaphragm Vacuum Pump 0-10L/min
SELECT 100% Pure Acetone
Sale priceFrom $25.00
SELECT 100% Pure Acetone
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SELECT Benzyl Alcohol 100% BP Pure Pharmaceutical Grade
SELECT Benzyl Benzoate 100% BP Pure Pharmaceutical Grade